Contact Us
Please complete the form below to let us know if you are a school or agent and area of interest or question.
We aim to provide a personal, high-quality service to ensure you have the information and support you need when considering our membership services and events.
Please use the form provided or give us a call on +44 (0)1202 973500.
We have membership brochures and event guides for schools and agents, which we will send depending on your area of interest.
For schools who are interested in membership, we like to set up a Zoom call with Suzanne Rowse, our Director, so she can really understand your needs and take time to explain which of our services and/or events can best help, depending on your budget and resources.
We look forward to connecting!
Contact Us
Your enquiry will be submitted to the Members' Support Team who will direct your enquiry to the appropriate person.